Super Bowl Squares on Every Gameday

Super Bowl Squares shouldn‘t be just once a year. Play this classic competition online with your friends for every NFL and NCAA Football game.

App screenshot

Out with the old. In with the new.

No more boring spreadsheets!

Squares should be as exciting as the game

Easy to setup
Setting up a new competition is simple. Customize payouts.
Invite your friends and get started from anywhere in the world.
Real-time & Interactive
See real-time scores and user selections.
Unlimited fun
Create and participate in unlimited competitions.

Frequently asked questions

Is this considered gambling?

No. Gameday Squares does not promote gambling of any kind. These competitions are completely free to enter and play.

What are "Super Bowl Squares?"

Squares are played on a bingo-like board and don’t directly depend on the winner of the game, making them engaging for everyone regardless of their rooting interest.

Ready to have fun?
Start using our app today.